352 University Ave
Suite S-120
Atlanta, Ga 30310
Phone: +1 (202) 848-3218
Email: info@AcqCatalyst.com
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At Acquisition Catalyst we provide acquisition support across the acquisition lifecycle. From acquisition strategy development to program-execution support and mentoring of acquisition team members, we provide experts in every functional acquisition area, bringing with them a comprehensive understanding of the challenges facing acquisition and modernization programs. Our foundational expertise is supplemented with in-depth organizational and systems knowledge to help our clients develop and execute viable integrated program strategies, prepare for successful decision forums, properly align business processes for program execution, provide flexible and rapid response to inevitable change, and respond to constant internal and external information demands. At every stage in the acquisition process and over the operational life-cycle of the system, we work to manage risks, reduce costs, maintain complete transparency, and deliver on our clients’ requirements. Our cradle-to-grave approach ensures that each step of the acquisition lifecycle is detailed, executed, and measured as planned.
We provide acquisition support services on an a la carte basis or as a full acquisition lifecycle solution to enable our clients the ability to focus on core mission activities. Our service menu includes:
At Acquisition Catalyst our acquisition support begins at the Requirements Definition stage of the Acquisition Lifecycle. We provide support with identifying strategies to guide the entire acquisition process. We collect and analyze information about the capabilities available in the market and identify the most suitable approach to acquiring, distributing, and supporting products and services to ensure that our client’s needs are met in the most effective and timely manner. We support the development of all required documentation and work with our clients to determine the type of solicitation best suited for the requirement, including any small business considerations unique to your requirement. Once the solicitation is released, and bids/proposals from prospective industry partners are collected, we provide support with proposal evaluation to determine the best value for our clients. Our pre-award management support services includes:
• Acquisition Strategy & Planning
• Market Research
• Requirements Gathering
• Industry Outreach
• Acquisition Documentation Development
• Quality Assurance
• Cost/Price Realism/Reasonableness
• Evaluation Planning
• Source Selection
• Determine Best Value/Contract Award
Post-Award/Contract Administration
At Acquisition Catalyst our support does not stop once the contract is awarded. We take pride in our stellar acquisition quality and work to minimize risk at every stage of the acquisition lifecycle through contract closeout. We provide our clients with invaluable post-award contract management on an ongoing basis with embed staff on site when needed. Our post-award management support services includes:
• Contract Management
• Acquisition Budget Formation
• Quality Assurance Reviews
• Invoicing
• Cost Variances
• Project Burn Rates
• ULO Balance Management
• Lines of Accounting Management
• Performance Metrics Monitoring and Reporting
At Acquisition Catalyst we provide a full range of contract closeout support services. We offer a premier team of acquisition professionals highly skilled in the inherent challenges associated with the contract closeout process. Our professionals are equipped with the knowledge and experience necessary to manage the entire contract closeout process, including coordination between all stakeholders, reviewing to determine if the contract is physically complete, and when applicable we will expedite contract closeout by utilizing Quick Closeout procedures. We tailor our processes to the needs of our clients to ensure that all regulatory requirements are met. Our contract closeout support includes:
• Reconcile Funds and Balances
• Verify Deliverable Acceptance
• Obtain Release Statements
• Develop Closeout Package
• Coordinate with DCAA, CO, FSC
• Return Funds
At Acquisition Catalyst we help our clients bring their ideas to light and deliver better outcomes faster. We deliver program management support services to local, state, and federal government. We believe that Program and Project Management is much more than creating standard templates and status reports. Instead, we listen to the needs of our partners and assist as required for each specific engagement. We assist our clients in every step of the program life-cycle to solve the most challenging management and technical issues. Our experienced project/program managers support all aspects of project delivery including leading and directing cross-functional teams.
Requirements Analysis and Definition
At Acquisition Catalyst our requirements analysis, definition, and management processes reduce project risk and ensures greater probability of project success.
Acquisition and Strategic Planning
​At Acquisition Catalyst we ensure that our strategies make good business sense, effectively implement laws and policies, and reflect our client’s management priorities. Our approach is to focus on four key areas:
• Resource requirements
• Throughput metrics
• Output metrics
• Outcome metrics
Project Management
​At Acquisition Catalyst our Project Management process follows industry best practices to effectively manage risk and deliver high quality results and best value services both on-time and within budget.
Business Analytic Support
​At Acquisition Catalyst our budget and subject matter experts provide our clients the financial guidance they need to succeed from implementation to conclusion.
Risk Management
​At Acquisition Catalyst our risk management process includes the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks. Once identified, we coordinate resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability of negative events and to maximize the opportunities of positive events.
At Acquisition Catalyst we clearly understand what constitutes the acquisition workforce. We support
our clients with determining the different skill sets needed in today’s new acquisition environment
which varies from workforce to workforce. We’ve developed a strategic approach that focuses on
workforce challenges, such as creating a positive image essential to successful recruitment and retention of a new generation of talented acquisition professionals. We help to identify commercial best practices that helps to upgrade/overhaul unproductive skillsets in the acquisition workforce by benchmarking them against the private sector and conducting competency assessments. Our ultimate goal is to develop an acquisition workforce that feels highly valued and rewarded in terms of making a difference in the organization. Our vision of the acquisition workforce for the future is not one that focuses solely on acquisition or contracting expertise, but on programmatic experience and expertise to help make better acquisition decisions. At Acquisition Catalyst we are ready to lead change in this area.
At Acquisition Catalyst recruitment starts with developing clear and concise job descriptions. We support the development of position descriptions that uses descriptors that are recognizable to young prospective hires. We align terminology between the private sector and the government sector to enhance the interest of college graduates in government careers. We help our clients improve their recruitment efforts by developing a strategy that supports competition based on offering a public service career that makes a difference.
At Acquisition Catalyst mentoring is a key element in employee development, it provides an element to employee development that differs greatly from other more formal elements such as training, education, and on-the-job experience. It is much more difficult to quantify and measure its effectiveness. We help our clients develop effective mentoring programs by paring junior and mid-level employees with higher-ranking, influential individuals in the work environment who have advanced experience and knowledge and is committed to providing upward mobility and support to junior and mid-level members of the acquisition workforce. We tailor our mentoring programs to career-related functions that focus on success, advancement, and psychosocial functions that focus on enhancement of the professional role. Our career-related functions include sponsorship, coaching, exposure and visibility, and challenging assignments. Psychosocial functions include role modeling, acceptance and confirmation, counseling, and relationship building. As an element of our career-related mentorship program, proper coaching in meeting job-related requirements of the protégé would be expected. We also provide structured guidelines for developmental training in the acquisition specialty and leadership in general.
At Acquisition Catalyst we recognize that achieving mission requires a highly skilled and trained professional workforce. We provide guidance and assistance with managing your training investments to ensure that it is in line with leading practices, and support improvements that are needed in areas such as identifying the appropriate level of investment in training and development and prioritizing training activities. We also provide training for acquisition professionals and leaders at every stage of their career. We provide continuous learning opportunities in both technical and soft skills knowledge to support professional growth and to improve the quality of services provided. We offer commercial off –the-shelf training products or customized training to meet your specific needs. In addition, we help our clients seek opportunities to reduce duplicative training investments by identifying existing training that is provided centrally through their agency and from other sources.
At Acquisition Catalyst retention is as critical as recruitment to the success of an organization. To accomplish long-term results in our retention strategy, we seek to develop a new cadre of experienced people who are motivated to have long careers in the government by showing them the value of public service. We recognize that there are challenges associated with developing such a program, and we are equipped to support the government in determining how to become more skills-oriented and competitive in compensation. Our support includes developing benchmarks—baseline data on job responsibility and pay scales across the government to support well-supported judgments on compensation or position descriptions to support the acquisition workforce.